Issuing a COMMIT records all the work since the last COMMIT statement "for keeps" in the database. 发出COMMIT会将自上一个COMMIT语句之后的所有工作“永远”记录到数据库中。
Those X-locks persist until the transaction is ended by a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK statement. 这些独占锁会一直持续下去,直到使用COMMIT或ROLLBACK语句结束事务。
In order for the policy changes to take effect, you must issue a COMMIT statement after invoking these procedures. 为了使策略更改生效,必须在调用这些过程后发出COMMIT语句。
A COMMIT statement controls the unit of work. COMMIT语句控制工作单元。
During import, the total number of rows is constraint by the maximum possible size of the SQL statement, the commit scope, the total number of rows being imported, or all of these. 在导入期间,总行数受SQL语句的最大可能大小、提交范围(commitscope)、被导入的总行数或所有这些因素的限制。
In an environment in which many short concurrent transactions occur, by default each COMMIT statement triggers one log buffer flush to disk. 在发生许多较短并发事务的环境中,每条COMMIT语句默认触发对磁盘的一次日志缓冲区刷新(flush)。
Be sure to issue the COMMIT statement frequently in your application. 要确保在您的应用程序中经常发出COMMIT语句。
Before issuing the COMMIT, you could roll back the work using the ROLLBACK statement. 在发出COMMIT之前,可以使用ROLLBACK语句回滚工作。
The commit statement restores the session data to the previous commit or rollback statement. 提交语句会将会话数据恢复为之前的提交或回滚语句。
As with bulk loads from a file, therefore, it is better to issue a COMMIT statement periodically, so the logical log files can be flushed. 因此,在从文件进行批量装载时,最好是定期发出COMMIT语句,这样就可以刷新逻辑日志文件。
We commit to expanding our core staff working on diseases with outbreak potential and health emergencies, so we will have skilled staff always available, the statement said. 声明称,我们要在有可能暴发疫情的疾病和各种突发卫生事件方面扩大我们的核心工作人员队伍,使世卫组织所有三个层级随时都有可调遣的熟练工作人员。
Moreover, most of the attention has been focused on boards of directors at companies that commit financial statement fraud ( specifically, on the role of the audit committee of the board). 而且,大部分注意力被集中在指使财务欺诈的公司懂事会之上(明确的说,是懂事会的审计委员会)。
To commit the transaction, call the complete method as the last statement in the using block. 若要提交事务,请调用作为using块中最后语句的complete方法。
If it weren't, we would expect the first insert in the anonymous block to be preserved by the commit statement in the LOG_ERRORS procedure. 如果不是,我们可以期待在自治块插入的第一个数据被LOGERRORS存储过程的提交语句后保留。
You can end transactions with either a commit or rollback statement, or through an API function. 您可以使用commit或rollback语句,或者通过api函数来结束事务。